A downloadable game for macOS


It's a GTA2 fan project, been working on it on and off (mostly on weekends), and being a lone dev, work is a tad bit slow but it's work nonetheless.

Hoping to keep this page updated with new builds and devlogs, if you are interested in a classic GTA remake, then please go ahead and give it a run, and don't forget to share your thoughts and feedback.

Since it's a WIP project, there are some known bugs however, none that can crash the game.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

"And Remember, Respect Is Everything."



GTA2_v0.11.app.zip 62 MB
GTA2_WIN_v0.11.zip 53 MB

Install instructions


  • Arrow keys to navigate
  • Left Control/Command to fire
  • Return to enter vehicle
  • F to exit vehicle
  • Escape to left game

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